The new Broilmaster gas grills offer more cooking configurations than your kitchen stove – including searing, grilling, broiling, smoking, slow roasting, indirect cooking, and baking.
Broilmaster Premium Gas Grills are The Hearth and Grill Shop’s “Go To” grill for durability and impressive performance. All Broilmaster Gas Grills feature a heavy cast aluminum housing for heat distribution and retention, which carries a Broilmaster Lifetime warranty. The Stainless Steel H-burners in the economy H series have a 10-year warranty and the Stainless Steel Bowtie burners in the P3X and P4X series feature a Lifetime warranty.
With its twin burner controls, Broilmaster offers the ultimate in temperature management. Many of the Broilmaster grills at The Hearth and Grill Shop utilize adjustable, multi-level Stainless Steel cooking grids for durability and versatility in cooking.
With the Broilmaster Gas Grill you have the ability to build your own grill with post mount, patio mount or cart mount options. Any of these mounting options may be upgraded to Stainless Steel, which carries a Lifetime warranty. Other options include side burners, fixed or drop down side and drop down front shelves. Most models can be equipped with either a rock grate and briquettes or “Flare Busters”.
Broilmaster’s exclusive Smoker Shutter system – available for the P3X and standard on the P3SX – acts like a set of stainless steel blinds positioned between the burner and your food. Open the shutters for conventional grilling and searing over high heat. Close the shutter for indirect grilling, smoking, and baking.
Available in natural gas or propane gas models, not only is the Broilmaster grill “The Most Durable Grill Known To Man” it is also one of the most versatile.
Availability & Pricing
Our showroom is loaded with products in-stock and ready to take home! However, we do not stock all items we sell. For the fastest service possible, call us at (615) 255-4551. Or, you can use the form below and one of our sales representatives will be happy to assist you.