Everyone Loves To Save Some Money!
Spotlight Items ……………

As we All continue to deal with our current situation with the COVID-19 rules and requirements. Staying home more and not going out as much. Finding new ways to handle all these changes in our life. Let’s make staying home a little more convenient with a New Outdoor Kitchen right in your own backyard.
Since we are a local family owned business, we are watching every dollar we spend during this time. But, making an investment in your homes just makes sense. This will increase your home value and provides a safe and beautiful grilling area for your family and friends.
Recently we looked at our inventory in our warehouse. And My Husband and I found several items that are Excellent products from The R.H.Peterson Company.
So we decided to list these products on our website at a reduced price. Some of these grills we may have only one or two in stock, they were manufactured in 2018/2019. They will still have a full warranty from our company and the manufacturer.
Some grills will be posted on our website and others you just need to call
826-5803 ask to speak with
Rick Burman for additional information and pricing for products on our website.
Local Installation is Available:
If you live within 30 miles of our store in Nashville,TN. We offer installation and service for all our products. Our spotlight items are in boxes in our warehouse. If you do live locally, you are always welcome to visit our showroom to view a similar grill on our showroom floor.
We have been providing Sales – Service – Installation since we opened our doors In 1974.

We personally own a FireMagic grill. And the performance of these grills are outstanding. Ours is a model from 2017 that is portable. We keep this grill at our Riverhouse in Tennessee. I am totally impressed with the excellent craftsmanship and the durability of this grill. Below is a photo of our grill before and after the flood of 2019 on the Tennessee River. This grill was under 11 feet of water and mud for over 3 weeks until the river receded.
My husband and I personally cleaned all the MUD off this grill. We both thought it would never work again, even the owners of Peterson thought it would not fire up. Well it is Grilling Perfectly, with some of the best steaks, hamburgers, chicken and pork chops.
What you are not seeing is our two garage doors under water.
❤️ Our Grill Survivor!

Yes All the lights, rotisserie and electrical are fully working.
I ❤️ My FireMagic Grill. Carol Sullivan