These past several weeks have brought unprecedented challenges to our lives and businesses. As we navigate in this dynamic and concerning environment, we are continuing to place the health and safety of our customers and employees at the forefront of everything we do.
We are Open! But our Showroom is closed for walk in customers. Please call our store at 615-255-4551, our sales staff will be happy to assist you over the phone. They will also let you make an appointment to visit the showroom at a set time. Please be assured that even under the current state orders regarding the closure of businesses, our business is deemed essential, and is able to operate to complete projects and gas services.
We are still servicing and installing your gas products!

We continue to enforce our policy of not allowing employees who are ill or showing any signs of illness to come to work or into your home.
All of our employees have been instructed to uphold safe hygiene practices. We continue to disinfect and wipe everything down. And to Wash Our Hands – This is so important!
Listen to Hippie Radio on 94.5 or online at www.hippieradio945.com We have joined with them to remind you to
” Wash Your Hands” every hour.

On April 1, 2020, The Hearth and Grill Shop will be Celebrating our 46th Anniversary. We are locally owned and operated by The Sullivan Family. We stand firm in our Faith, that we will All get through this together. Please contact us with any questions concerning your home.
We are still having our Winter Clearance Sale……At Some Wonderful Pricing!