February 2, 2022, Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, which means six more weeks of Winter!
Just a little humor when it’s really cold……
The beginning of 2022 has seen more snow since the 80’s in the Nashville area. And now Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning, looks like six more weeks of cold weather. I love the snow, but not a fan of icy weather. Let’s hope our area just has cold weather and not bad weather.
The best part of cold weather, is snuggling by a cozy Fireplace, with White Mountain Hearth Vent Free Gas Logs. If you are building or remodeling your home, please get all your measurements of your fireplace. We need the front width, depth, height and the width of the back wall, especially if it tampers. Our showroom has the largest display of Gas Logs, Burning live in the Southeast. Which should make your job a lot easier, when choosing the right style of Gas Logs.
Gas Logs Are The Perfect Gift For Valentines ❤️

Empire Comfort Systems offer a variety of Gas Logs, Cast Iron Stoves, Heaters and Fireplaces. From Linear, Contemporary and Traditional. Empire is Proudly Made in The USA for 90 years. And we have Proudly sold all Empire Comfort Systems products for over 48 years.

Loft Burners with Glass

Cast Iron Stoves

Wall Heaters Available in Natural or Propane Gas

Fireplace Insert Above

Driftwood Linear Fireplace
Once cold weather hits Nashville, our phones stay so busy. Please understand we can only provide service to our customers. Since we have the replacement parts and our Service Technicians are Trained on the brands we sell.
Service Calls…..On the Products We Sell!
If you did not purchase your product from our store. Please locate your manufacturer and Google their website to locate a dealer in your zip code area. If your product is over 10 – 15 years old. It might be time to consider replacing your product.

Empire Comfort Systems is the Proud owner and manufacturer of Primo Ceramic Grills. The only Oval smoker on the market and Made in the USA. Visit our showroom so we can show you all the varieties of smokers from Primo.

This year we celebrate our 48th Anniversary and these past two years dealing with COVID have been very challenging. With all our employees and their families dealing with covid. Manufacturers having to shut down, shipping delays and the unknown.
But, I think most people are starting to understand our world is changing. So we must practice patience to get through this together.

We are currently hiring for Sales Consultants and Installers. If you are looking for a new career , please stop by our store for an interview.
Thank You for Shopping Local and Supporting Family Owned Companies.