Stay Warm & Cozy With White Mountain Hearth Products 

Proudly Made in the USA 🇺🇸

Empire Comfort Systems has built a tradition of manufacturing excellence since 1932, that’s over 93 years of commitment in building high-quality products for your home or business. From Gas Logs, Fireplace Inserts, Fireboxes, Cast Iron VF Stoves, Grills and The awesome Oval Primo Ceramic Grill. We have been selling and servicing their products for over 50 years. We love our relationship with this family owned and operated company, their products will perform for many, many years of enjoyment. Please visit our showroom in Nashville to view White Mountain Hearth products all burning live. Once the warm weather returns we will be firing up the Primo Grills with some delicious samples.
We offer installation and service for all the products purchased from our store. With our own in house teams of professional installers and service technicians.      

                      Happy Groundhog Day!

  It’s Official, Punxsutawney Phil predicts 6 more weeks of winter after waking up to see his shadow on Groundhog Day!
  • What will Chuck and Phil see this Groundhog Day!  We have had a very cold winter so far, I personally love the cooler temperatures. We have you covered for all four seasons from heating products for your home or business to grills, accessories and outdoor furniture. Please visit our showroom when you are building or remolding, we would love to help you create your magical outdoor kitchen or add a fireplace to your home or business. Just stop by and browse through our showroom to see over 47 fireplace ideas.

The Breckenridge VF Fireboxes – See Through


The Peninsula offers three open sides

See Through offers two open sides

These fireboxes accept any properly sized, certified vent-free burner and log set, such as the 18-inch, 24-inch, or 30-inch Slope Glaze Vista Burner, with a Stone River Ceramic fiber log set or a Rock Creek refractory log set. Looking for more of a contemporary style fireplace. We have several linear vent free gas fireplaces on display manufactured by Empire Comfort Systems. Bring your measurements, thoughts and questions, so our sales team can help you create the correct fireplace for your home or business. These are just a few images from White Mountain Hearth.

White Mountain Hearth Linear VF Fireplace


Linear Vent Free Fireplace

Blackburn Wood Firebox


Available in 36”, 44”,and 54” Wood Firebox

Blackburn Wood Firebox


So many choices for Vent Free Gas Log from Empire Comfort Systems. If you are wanting to add Vent Free Gas Logs to your current wood burning fireplace, just bring your fireplace measurements. We need the front width, the depth, height and if the back wall tapers this width as well. This will help our sales team show you the correct size logs for the perfect fit. If you want to make your life easier , add a remote control system to your burner. I know they cost a little more up front, but trust me now that we have gotten a little older, getting down to turn on the gas and light the fireplace is a task. You must have a remote ready burner to add a remote in the future to light your gas logs. We have several customers on a budget, they purchase the remote ready burner and later come back and add the remote control. We want to make it easy for you to enjoy your fireplace for many, many years. White Mountain Hearth products are manufactured in the USA. When you purchase products made in America, you will be able to enjoy many years of enjoyment. Plus, we keep most of their parts in stock when repairs are needed in the future.

Vent Free Gas Logs Natural or Propane Gas

Flint Hill Vent free gas logs by Empire.


Just one of many VF Remote Ready Burners


Vent-Free Loft with glass of your choice


Birch Burncrete VF Gas Logs

  We have a few of the Fire Pit Art Fire pits back in stock. Visit our showroom to see the variety of styles available or custom order you own design.   We stock a huge variety of Real Fyre Vented and Vent Free  Premium Gas Logs. Our showroom has been the go to location for builders and designers for over 50 years.  We offer installation and service for Real Fyre products that are purchased from our store. They also know you will receive excellent service and many years of use with R.H.Peterson products.  Bring your ideas and any measurements possible so our sales staff can show you a variety of options for your new fireplace area. These are just a few images of Real Fyre Gas Logs.

Fyre Spheres Epic Black


Fyre Glass in a variety of colors


Customer Thank You….

I just love when a customer sends us an email about their experience with our company.  Of Course we love all our employees, they all care about providing the correct information for you to make the right choice for your home.  Thank You Jennifer and Barry.

Grill Fest Returns – May 10, 2025, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Reserve the date Saturday, May 10th for Grill Fest 2025!

  Start planning now for your outdoor furniture from Summer Classics or C.R.Plastics, we have a few styles in stock. We can custom order your favorite fabric and style usually within 3-4 weeks. Just in time to kickoff the spring weather.    

Add a cozy outdoor Fire Pit!


American Fyre Designs


American Fyre Designs

A few of our Brands


Electric Fireplaces




  We are your one stop shop for your grilling, outdoor kitchens, gas logs, fireplaces, wood stoves, outdoor furniture, fireplace accessories and so much more.  Thank you for shopping local and family owned since 1974.